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Year 8 Business in Maths

Year 8 Business in Maths

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

Last week, all Year 8 classes took part in a Business Maths lesson where students had to work in groups to plan either a technology or a fashion company. They had to work out costs, revenue and potential profit based on their chosen price point, as well as choosing a brand name and designing a logo. From each class, one group was selected who demonstrated the best business acumen, who were then selected to participate in a final round. In this round, they had to plan presentations to explain their company, and importantly to highlight the various business decisions they made. Each of the groups presented brilliantly, but overall one group was selected as a winner by the judge and Business expert, Mrs Evans.

Congratulations to the winning team. This was the group from 8-3, who displayed a clear understanding of their business, expressed sound reasoning of the decisions they made, worked well as team and presented confidently and articulately. This group was formed of: Layci , Aston , Naomi and Isaac . They presented their textiles brand, L.A.N.I., which focused on high-end eco-friendly T-Shirts.

Mrs Evans said: "I was very impressed with the Year 8's approach to this task.  They all showed excellent teamwork, organisation and presentation skills.  This year group have not formally studied Business, yet the students showed real insight when analysing the options of which business to run, making decisions about mission statements and the price to charge, and making judgements on their choices.  I hope Year 8 enjoyed their Business in Maths experience and will consider the subject as an option in Year 10."

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