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"When Opportunity Knocks"

"When Opportunity Knocks"

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

We recently welcomed back schools motivational speaker Cameron Parker who held an inspirational assembly and workshop with Year 10 students to raise their aspirations and improve their self- esteem. The event was sponsored by Study Higher – a collaborative network of higher education providers who work together to deliver outreach activities to young people to inform them about their future educational opportunities.

Cameron engaged his audience by sharing his experiences of secondary school and how against the odds, he got his life on track and graduated from university. He spoke to students about the national average weekly working hours and how salaries differ significantly from office administrators to FTSE CEO’s! Students were encouraged to compare what they thought were realistic and unrealistic dreams and they were shown that possibilities are boundless.

Cameron shared his guaranteed formula for success –

1. To write a list of things that needs to be done that day ...

2. Do them!

Students were encouraged to live life with no “What If’”: What if – I studied more? What if – I worked harder?

During a small workshop afterwards, students discussed their fears before considering a selection of questions. From their answers they were asked to think about where they would be in ten years’ time. The process was repeated again for a five year period with students considering what they would need to do to make their dreams achievable.




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