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Visit to Bath inspires Year 11

Visit to Bath inspires Year 11

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

A group of Year 11 students visited Bath University which provided them with an immersive experience that fostered a comprehensive understanding of university life.

The tour of the campus allowed students to explore the state-of-the-art facilities, including the library, lecture halls, and sports centre. The modern and well-equipped nature of the campus instilled a sense of comfort and organisation among the students.

A presentation explained the benefits of university education, talking about career prospects, personal development, and financial assistance, enabling students to envision the transformative potential of higher learning. Many students found this information particularly valuable, as they grappled with the uncertainties of their post-secondary future.

The final session provided an opportunity for students to engage in a Q&A session with university representatives. The representatives’ enthusiastic and candid responses offered valuable insights into student life, course offerings, and career prospects. The students left with a clear understanding of the university’s offerings and a renewed sense of excitement and motivation regarding the possibilities of higher education.


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