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UnitedApp 2018

UnitedApp 2018

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

Huge congratulations to Sam (9N1) and Liam (9N2) who reached the final of the UnitedApp 2018 competition in London. The event was held at the head office of computing giant IBM, and was organised in partnership with United Learning, 7BillionIdeas and IDNS.

Year 9 students from all United Learning schools were invited to come up with an idea and design an app with an educational benefit. Liam and Sam’s idea was to create the Ultimate Guide to School, a reference book to help students of all ages with just about anything they will need, such as advice on the transition between primary and secondary school. Their idea was selected to reach the second round of the competition out of almost 500 entries! In round two, the boys made a video selling their idea to the judges, which clearly worked as they were selected to attend the finals day with only 10 finalists!

At the final, they Sam and Liam had to use their initiative to complete a practical “marshmallow tower” task, where they managed to beat many different schools. The main event was a presentation delivered to a board of judges consisting of representatives from United Learning, IBM and IDNS.

Both boys presented brilliantly, with the judges commenting on the confidence and thoroughness of their pitch. They won the award for “Best Video”, and walked away with a trophy, certificate and Amazon vouchers each! A huge well done to the boys for representing Nova so brilliantly, and making it so far in this rigorous competition!

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