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Trent Road play area official opening

Trent Road play area official opening

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

A group of Nova scholars proudly attended the opening of the newly renovated Trent Road Play Area in Haydon Wick. 

The students were all Year 6 pupils at Greenmeadow School when the play area was being designed, and they were able to review the designs and help the developers decide which pieces of apparatus they felt would be popular.  Greenmeadow Primary School invited them to the official opening as a thank you for their input. The Nova students are pictured with Chairman of the Council Vinay Manro and Richard Hailstone the Chair of Parks and Open Spaces.


Thank you for allowing the ex Greenmeadow pupils Heston, Louis, Aeryn and Willow to attend the Play Park opening yesterday. Heston was a real star arriving early and assisting in drying the equipment and clearing the area with me. It was fantastic to see them and they were a credit to Nova.

Sean Pocock
Community & Youth Co-Ordinator
Haydon Wick Parish Council

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