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Times Table Championships

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

The annual Times Table Championship took place at the end of term.  Students worked as teams in their tutor groups on a range of times tables tasks, scoring points towards a grand total for their tutor group. 

The championship concluded with 20 students in a semi final, 10 of which made it to the final where they had to answer as many times table questions as they could in 30 seconds. 

Congratulations to:

Ryan (7N4) who was presented with a trophy and the title of 'Year 7 Times Table Champion 2017'.

Liam (8N2) who was the overall winner in Year 8 and picked up the title for the second year running.

Bethany (9N3) who was awarded the title of 'Year 9 Times Table Champion 2017'

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