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The Magic of Science

Year 5 visitors enjoy STEM themed event

Barbara Freeman / Categories: News

This week we welcomed Year 5 students from Ferndale Community Primary School, Even Swindon Primary School and Moredon Primary School to take part in a fun STEM event.

Firstly, Dr Clapp presented a really exciting Science Magic Show, where she made water disappear, created a foam volcano and a very big bang. The students then learnt the science behind the magic.

Next, the students were given the challenge of transporting tomatoes down a mountain in the Squashed Tomato challenge. All the students embraced the experiment, producing an array of different and imaginative ideas to help the tomatoes on their way. Students not only had to create a design from scratch but to make difficult decisions along the way; for example, should they carry lots of tomatoes not very far or fewer tomatoes for a greater distance. Testing proved that all the students had thought very carefully about their designs and even when a design did not work, they were resilient and worked out why.

Well done to all the students and staff that took part. Everyone had a really enjoyable time.

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