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The GR8 Book Debate

Swindon launches the 4th Interschool book debate

Barbara Freeman / Categories: News

The GR8 Book Debate was launched at Nova Hreod Academy this week, as we welcomed students from Isambard Community School and the Ridgeway School. After a photo call with the Swindon Advertiser, the students enjoyed solving the ‘Anagram’ and ‘Do You Know’ challenges to break the ice.

This was followed by an introduction to the five titles and authors before the students chose their first books. The 30 students are challenged to read all five titles between today and the Finale at The Ridgeway School on 8 October when they will discussing, debating and presenting each book, before selecting their favourite in a secret ballot. The event is supported by Intel who provided each school with £100 towards the purchase of the books.


Owyn, Nova Hreod: “I’m looking forward to reading all the books and I am having fun doing it.”

Freddie, Ridgeway: “I love books and I am looking forward to these books and the different genres.”

Andrew, Isambard:I enjoyed meeting new people and got to know some things about the books.”

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