Swindon Schools’ Cross Country
Hundreds of students from around Swindon took part in the annual Swindon Schools’ Cross Country Championship on Saturday 17th November. This year, the course was extended to Shaw and under the railway bridge, so it was newer, longer and more difficult than before, but the students took to it very well.
The races were started by our special guest, Olympic Gold Medallist Jason Gardener, who now spends time working with United Learning as a sports ambassador to encourage young people to get involved in sport. Jason mingled with the crowd and happily posed for photographs with students and parents.
Students were in teams of six and the top ten teams and individuals from each category will take part in the next round of the competition in Chippenham next month.
Congratulations to Sarah (Cygnus 3) who finished in 2nd place, and to Lewis (Aquila 3) and Anabelle (Pegasus 7) who came 10th in their categories. The Nova Girls Year 10/11 team finished in 1st place and the Year 8/9 Girls’ team came 3rd overall.
We were very grateful to the staff and students who helped with the organisation of the event, including our sports captains and OCR sports studies students.
The competition always gives the students a chance to shine and they really enjoy it. We had a nice selection of runners to take through to represent Swindon in the next round. We had some really strong runners this year and I hope some of them make it to the national rounds.