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Supporting literacy

Barbara Freeman / Categories: News

KS3 Homework Reading Club

From Monday 18th September we will be launching a new after-school homework reading club to support any students who may need additional support with their reading homework. Reading club will take place from 3pm until 3.30pm and will be held by a member of the English department. Below are the rooms for each year group: 

Year 7: FD4

Year 8: FD1

Year 9: Library


STAR Reading Tests Year 7 to 10


All students in Years 7 to 10 are currently completing on-line reading tests which provide the school with information about each student's reading ability and makes recommendations about what level books the students should be reading.


Once the students have completed the tests, they will be told by their class teacher what level books are most suitable and they can find books which are at this level in the school library.


If you are looking to support your child's reading at home and you want to check the level of the books that they will have access to, you can use the quick search function on: - the BL indicates the reading level of the book (also known as the ATOS level). Also, if you want to search for appropriate books then you may find the advanced search function useful, whereby you can enter the ATOS level range of your son/daughter, select the interest level and search for books.  


If you would like any more information on this then please contact Miss Mundy who will be happy to help.

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