Super Summer Showcase
Year 7 student Kai Joyce took part in a journalism challenge during Local Newspaper Week. Students were asked to write about an element of school life, to include a quote from another student or a teacher.
Here is his article, which was published in the Swindon Advertiser.
Nova Hreod Academy on Akers Way, Swindon, are soon holding an Arts Showcase. This will be consisting of a performance of 'Romeo and Juliet', showcasing pupils’ artwork and a performance by the school's choir. This event will be organised by the school Art, Drama and Music Departments.
In her interview Nova Hreod Academy's Drama teacher, Miss Woolhouse informed me that the confirmed date is Thursday 22nd June 2017. She also revealed to me that Sam Harvey (Year 8) and Jenna May-Cox (Year 7) are Romeo and Juliet (respectively).
Jenna May-Cox, who is in both the play and the choir, says that the reason she auditioned for this production was because she enjoyed the 'Bugsy Malone' play last December. The cast includes twenty Year 7s, 8s, 9s and 10s.
The cast usually audition on Thursday evenings in the school's theatre or drama studio. Most rehearsals are with the whole cast but some are only for selected cast members such as Romeo and Juliet. The teacher directing the production, Miss Woolhouse, has been working at Nova Hreod since January 2017 and also teaches dancing.
The script has been shortened as the play needs to be performed in a certain time as the choir need to sing and the fantastic and original artwork needs to be marvelled over. Rehearsals are going great and the cast is working hard so that soon everything will be ready for an outstanding performance.
Be sure to come and watch!