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Super Nova athlete nominated for second award

A busy weekend ahead

Barbara Freeman / Categories: News

Nova Hreod’s talented Chloe Crippen, who was recently awarded the Swindon Advertiser’s Young Sportswoman of the Year Award, has been celebrating more athletic success this week when she won the 800m at the Wiltshire County Athletics Championships in a time of 2:29.

Chloe, a member of the Highworth Running Club, has a busy weekend ahead: she competes in the Wiltshire Schools Athletics Championships in Salisbury on Saturday 13th June, and has also been nominated for the Wiltshire Athletic Association’s Young Female Athlete of the Year Award which is being presented on Friday evening, after being selected from over 100 nominations.

Chloe is quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with on the athletics field and we are very privileged to be able to share in her success.

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