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Summer Reading Challenge

Summer Reading Challenge

Volunteering opportunities for children aged 14+

Barbara Freeman / Categories: LRC News

Swindon Libraries are offering opportunities for students aged 14 and over the opportunity to get involved in the Summer Reading Challenge.

The Challenge encourages children aged 4-12 to read up to six books of their own choice over the summer, gaining rewards along the way and developing a lifelong love of reading for pleasure. There are opportunities for older students (aged 14+) to volunteer in public libraries, sharing their enthusiasm for reading by listening to the children talking about the books they’d read and helping to run Challenge-themed events in libraries.

Colleges and employers are always keen to see volunteer work on CVs and application forms as volunteering helps students develop certain sets of skills that improve employability and it is known to help prepare young people for the realities of work.

Anyone interested should contact their local library, telephone Rhonda Dempsie on 01793 463795, or email

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