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Students support the ZeeTee Campaign

Zero Tolerance to homophobic language

Barbara Freeman / Categories: News

Shelley Frost and members of local LGBT youth group Out of the Can delivered an eye-opening assembly to students in Year 8, 9 and 10 to promote the Zee Tee Campaign, and highlight the dangers of using homophobic language to cause offense or upset people. The assembly was hard hitting with the objective being to open our eyes to what could happen if we do not show respect and acceptance to those who may be seen as ‘different’. Our ZeeTee campaigners (most of whom are our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors) have been encouraging students to pledge to make a difference; to stop using homophobic language and try to encourage others to do the same. Look out for students with the RED ZT badge and ask about the pledge if you haven’t already signed!

Find out more about the Zee Tee campaign at and

Coming soon: Look out for the ZeeTee information board where your pledge will be displayed and information about ‘Respect and Difference,’ as well as information about Monday drop in opportunities with the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors.

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