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Students support local food bank with Reverse Advent Calendar

Students support local food bank with Reverse Advent Calendar

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

Generous Nova Hreod Academy students gave donations of food for this year's Reverse Advent Calendar. All the donations were passed on to Swindon Food Collective, an independent charity that aims to help people in Swindon, or the surrounding area who are suffering from financial hardship and finding it difficult to provide food for themselves, their family or dependants.

The concept of the Reverse Advent Calendar is that instead of receiving a gift each day during advent, people donate an item instead, supporting people in need.  

The donations were collected by Swindon Food Collective, who said: 

"Thank you for all the donations, everyone has been really kind and we're very grateful."

Mr Brown, Head of RE at Nova Hreod Academy, who organised the collection, said: 

"I was blown away by the generosity of all the pupils that donated to this very worthy charity. We really appreciate everyone's efforts and wish everyone a happy holidays and Christmas".

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