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Sports Day

Whole school teams up for success

Barbara Freeman / Categories: News

Friday 26th June saw students from across the school participate in our annual Sports Day. Students were divided into four teams: England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. There were a number of track and field events for students to participate in, and the whole school turned out to cheer on their teams in the afternoon.

As part of our Sports Day this year, Year 5 students from local primary schools were invited to attend and participate in a range of activities. The involvement of Year 5 was organised by our Head of Year 7 Mrs Wickens, who hailed the day as a success, remarking that “Year 5 were superb, they displayed sportsmanship, teamwork and impressive performances all round.”

Maths teacher Mr Griffin echoed Mrs Wickens’ delight commenting that he was “particularly pleased to see Year 5 enjoying themselves immensely.”

Students were also enthusiastic about their experiences of Sports Day. Julia, winner of the Year 7 shot put, said that she was really pleased with her performance and enjoyed watching everyone being active for the day.

Following a furiously fought 400m race, winner Conner claimed “relief” that the race was over. That’s because he was pushed right to the line by the fearsome field of runners. Even though Conner was extremely tired, he still had the wherewithal to say, “I feel proud and happy that I won.”

Joe, a Year 9 competitor, remarked that the atmosphere of the day had been “joyous” and competitors had experienced an “exhilarating day”. Haydn, also of Year 9, was pleased with how much camaraderie and sportsmanship had been shown by all of the competitors from across the year groups that helped to make the day as entertaining as it was.

Finally, the day was rounded off with an awards ceremony in the school’s outdoor amphitheatre, where winning students and teams were presented with medals and trophies. Rain momentarily threatened to interrupt proceedings, but the sunshine – much like the day itself – triumphed and provided the perfect denouement to such a successful day.

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