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Scholars "go together" for "lightning" reward

Scholars "go together" for "lightning" reward

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

Scholars were invited to Cirencester College to watch a performance of Grease by their performing arts students.

As a rewards trip, scholars were selected for excellent attendance, including Cygnus 4 who were invited for having 100% attendance last term, and also included a group of Year 9 students who are exploring performing arts as a Key Stage 4 subject.

The Nova scholars thoroughly enjoyed the show, and the afternoon concluded with an opportunity for them to learn a little hand jive from the cast and staff. They were able to ask questions to help them understand what being part of the Performing Arts department at Cirencester College is like, the course content, what the split between theory and practical is, what a good audition looks like and how much opportunity there is to perform. Their questions were well thought out and included asking the students what they hoped to do next, which gave them an insight into which careers this course could lead to. It was a thoroughly enjoyable and uplifting afternoon where Nova students certainly conducted themselves in an exemplary fashion and made a great impression on the staff and students at Cirencester College.

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