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Routes into Languages

Routes into Languages

Nova Hreod hosts regional speaking competition

Barbara Freeman / Categories: News

Nova Hreod was recently the host school for the south west leg of the Routes into Languages speaking competition. The competition is open to all secondary students from any south west school and provides an opportunity for students to use their foreign language out of the classroom.

The competition ran in three age groups (KS3-5) in two categories: ‘non-native speakers’ and ‘near-native speakers.’ The winner in each category received a cup and certificate.

Competitors were able to use creativity, imagination and an element of drama in their presentations, but they had to be the student’s original work. Students were marked on their presentation as well as on their language skills (spontaneity, fluency, accent, interest, range of language and originality) by a panel of judges, and a range of prizes and certificates were awarded.

We are extremely proud that we were represented in the competition by two talented linguists with success in both categories – Chloe Collins was awarded a certificate of merit in the KS4 category and Katie Mitchell was runner-up in the KS3 category, winning a place at the Regional final in Bath on 24th June.

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