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Reverse Advent Calendar

Reverse Advent Calendar

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

The Aquila House Reverse Advent Calendar, now in its 4th year, has become a Nova tradition and perfectly displays the DISC Value of Contribution.

We're overwhelmed with the quality and quantity of the donations received this year. This has been the biggest ever collection and really shines a light on the generosity of our community.  Our Aquila House Reps, Tutor Reps and the School Captains have worked hard to organise the donations ready for collection by the Salvation Army and Alternative Angels. 

Major Sharon Robinson from The Salvation Army explained that the donations will be used to create food parcels for the people on low incomes in our local community, which are distributed through the Swindon Citadel in Old Town. 

Alternative Angels provide hot meals and support for vulnerable and homeless people in Swindon, at the Wyvern Car Park in the town centre. They will be using their donations to provide meals and make up Christmas shoe boxes containing vital items such as warm clothing and toiletries, and gifts such as selection boxes and sweet treats. 

Aquila House Rep Zack said: "it's amazing how much has been donated and everyone has been so kind and generous". 

House Captain Jin said: "I'm amazed by the generosity and the size of the collection this year. Even in these difficult times people are still trying to help the needy and it’s so nice to see.”

It took three cars to take all the donations away and it made us quite emotional. Thank you all for your support.

Mrs Bekir and Miss Dominy

Aquila House

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