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Nova Hreod Academy hosts successful interfaith Iftar

Nova Hreod Academy hosts successful interfaith Iftar

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

The Global Ambassadors hosted Nova's very first Nova Iftar Evening last week. 

Iftar is the meal eaten at sunset during Ramadan, the month of fasting. Thanks to generous donations from local businesses, we were able to invite the Nova community to participate. It was greatly appreciated both by those in our community who observe IFTAR as part of their faith and by those who had come along to find out more about what IFTAR is. The vast array of food and opportunity for us to break fast together and be part of one of the religious observances of Ramadan, allowed us to be part of this Muslim celebration within our community. We are very grateful to the local businesses who kindly made generous donations.

The Nova Iftar was my personal highlight of the term; this marked the first day of Ramadan in the Muslim calendar. It was a wonderful evening and a first for Nova. The food was delicious and the event was a real show of solidarity between our scholars, staff, families and the wider Muslim community; I hope that this will be the first of many and we wish all of our Muslim families a Ramadan Mubarak.

Mr Nash, Vice Principal

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