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Nova 365

Nova 365

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

“The School in the Sky” (officially the Shree Golma Devi Secondary School) is located high on a mountain in Nepal. Students at Nova Hreod Academy have been learning about the school and this year’s Nova 365 project aims to support the work of its teachers and volunteers, helping to provide resources and equipment for their students, aged between 4-16 years old. Nova students are working on flash cards for use in the classroom and will be contributing towards a book of English poetry, as well as raising funds to provide vital equipment.

The charity also aims to empower young women to take control of their lives, giving them independence and dignity by providing them with education, skills and funding. The charity has successfully funded projects to help Nepali women set up and run their own businesses and provide them with the skills to pass their knowledge down to others.

We are excited to be involved with this project. A series of fundraising events are being arranged, the first of which is a Clubbercise-athon on Sunday 18th March.



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