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New Student Librarians Appointed

New Student Librarians Appointed

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

The next batch of hopeful candidates have been interviewed for positions of student librarians.

The interviews were preceded by a workshop about interview techniques, where the applicants were told all about how employers will make an opinion of them within the first 7 seconds. To make a good first impression students were told to smile, make eye contact, shake hands, introduce themselves, look smart, speak clearly and to sit down when invited to.

The interview panel consisted of eight of our current student librarians and they did a sterling job as interviewers by putting the candidates at ease and asking questions in a professional manner. They then deliberated between themselves to choose students who would fill the ten new positions, (which turned out to be eleven as they couldn’t choose between two candidates)! Unfortunately we could not accommodate everyone at this time so a reserve list has been created for the unsuccessful candidates.

A huge thank you to Mrs Evans our Human Resources administrator and Ms Webb our SEN administrator who supported the event, giving it a professional feel and highlighting to students all of the different aspects of a real life interview process.

Well done.

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