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Memorial installed by former student

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

Three English Oak saplings have been planted at Nova Hreod Academy to commemorate the centenary of the end of WW1. The trees were donated by the Rodbourne Cheney Residents’ Action Group, who have been planting trees in schools, churches and community spaces around the area to mark the anniversary. Former Nova student Jake Chandler, who is now a parliamentary assistant and runs the Action Group, came along to plant the trees in the grounds of his old school.

Mr Chandler said:

“I’m very grateful to Nova Hreod for getting behind the initiative and the school’s wider support within the area to mark the Centenary of the Armistice; as a former pupil at Hreod and now a school governor here it makes me very proud. My hope is that these trees will long stand as a testimony to our admiration and respect for all those who fought bravely in WW1.”

Nick Wells, Headteacher of Nova Hreod Academy said:

“It is important for us to remember that local people have lost their life in conflict and this will be a lasting memorial at Nova Hreod Academy. Students have been taking part in activities and lessons this term to learn more about the reasons for Remembrance Day, including the creation of a display of poppies in the atrium. We are very grateful to Mr Chandler and the Action Group for their kind donation.”


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