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Making a splash at maths revision weekend

Making a splash at maths revision weekend

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

A group of dedicated year 11 scholars and their maths teachers attended a maths revision weekend at PGL Liddington. The trip involved over 5 hours of additional maths revision organised by the maths team focused around key exam skills. In each of these sessions our students performed brilliantly, displaying high levels of Drive and Scholarship.

In addition to the revision sessions, scholars were able to take part in exciting outside activities including raft building, zip-wiring and the giant swing. There was even evening entertainment where our year 11s competed in groups to be the best weetabix eater, catwalk model or even Egyptian mummy!

The maths team will be looking to run this trip again for future year 11 groups to allow as many scholars as possible to access additional revision sessions and hopefully make lasting memories that will stick with them as they progress through their bright futures.

There are more photo and videos here: PGL Liddington March 2022 (

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