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Liam and Imogen appointed House Captains

Liam and Imogen appointed House Captains

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

Some very strong applications were received for the roles of House Captains this year; candidates had to go through a rigorous selection process which included writing a letter of application, delivering an assembly, and having an interview with Mr Wells. 

We are proud to introduce Liam and Imogen as the new Head Boy and Head Girl for 2019-2020. Liam and Imogen are already fantastic ambassadors for Nova, they are both on the senior council and Imogen is also a sports captain and has been a prefect for the past year. They have appeared in the Nova news as they are both heavily involved in the SuperNova programme, with Liam taking on some major roles on the stage in many of the Nova productions and being in the team that reached the final of the #ULApp competition last year. Imogen is a talented sportswoman whose sports and leadership skills have helped with the success of the sporting competitions held throughout the year. They have been influential with some of the key changes in the school, including being part of the Agents for Change team who have worked with Sodexo to redesign the Stellar Diner and their input into the food choices in the diner has been taken on board in the development of new menus.

The role of Head Boy and Head Girl is integral to the senior council; they will be influential during the next year as a vital link between students and the school managers, they will also deliver assemblies to students and report key findings and messages to and from students.

Congratulations Imogen and Liam - you are a credit to the school!

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