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Languages Vocabulary Challenge

Languages Vocabulary Challenge

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

Students in Year 7 and 8 took part in a French vocabulary challenge at lunchtime on 14th December. Students competed to translate and correctly spell a series of words and phrases. It was a highly competitive battle. In first place for the Year 8 match, winning a boules set and 10 reward points was Ava (8N1). Hanna (8N1) came second, earning 5 reward points and a French Dictionary, and Aaron (8N4) in 3rd place gaining 3 reward points.

The Year 7 competition was very closely fought with lots of correct answers, which finally resulted in Ellie (7N3) winning first place, a boules set and 10 reward points, Julia (7N6) in second place with 5 reward points and a French Dictionary and Matilde (7N1) in third, earning 3 reward points.

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