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Languages students in speaking competition

Nova hosts regional heats

Barbara Freeman / Categories: News

On Monday 7th March, Nova Hreod played host once again to the Routes into Languages Regional Competition, expertly organised by Miss Lown, MFL Faculty Leader.

Schools from as far afield as Devon and Bristol brought their most able linguists of all ages to compete in front of the 6 judges and Nova too had our own selection of native and non-native speakers from Key Stages 3 and 4. The competition was tough and students from all the schools gave very high level presentations in a range of different languages: French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Polish and Mandarin! The winners and runners up will look forward to competing in the national finals in June at Bristol University.

We were thrilled that Amalie Duperon in Year 7 received runner up in the Key Stage 3 non-native category, especially after being asked to take part last minute and only having the weekend to prepare! All of the Nova students who took part were outstanding and put a huge amount of time and thought into their presentations, we are immensely proud of their efforts.

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