Parents Students


Internet Safety

PHSE focuses on E-Safety for all students

Barbara Freeman / Categories: News

This term, all our students have completed sessions on E-Safety.

For Years 7 and 8 we have focussed on cyber bullying and becoming a ‘Digizen’- a responsible digital citizen. Years 9 and 10 have looked at the consequences of not staying safe online, particularly at the importance of not sharing personal information and photographs. In Year 11 we have worked with students to ensure they understand the impact of their digital footprint on their future careers and training.

With all the year groups we have reminded them of the importance of creating secure passwords making sure that they do not use their name or memorable dates. Ideally passwords need to be at least 6 digits long and contain a capital letter, a number and a symbol.

If any parents have concerns or are worried about E-safety please go to where there is really helpful information for parents.

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