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Industry professionals impressed with Year 10 online mock interviews

Industry professionals impressed with Year 10 online mock interviews

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

National Interview Month provided us with an opportunity to work with Your Game Plan so that 80 year 10 students could have a 1-2-1 virtual interview for 30 minutes with an industry professional. 

These professionals were matched with students following  a pre-interview questionnaire that the students filled out, thus giving them a chance to question and be questioned by an interviewer in a field, or associated field, to their current chosen career field.   Many employers are currently using online interviews as an initial way to make their shortlists for face to face interviews so this was an invaluable experience for our students to gain experience of what it is like to be interviewed virtually. 

Year 10 now have their face to face interviews to look forward to in July with a range of local employers supporting this programme.


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