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IET Faraday Challenge

Year 8 STEM team in national technology contest

Barbara Freeman / Categories: News

On Wednesday 6th May the Institute of Engineering Technology (IET) came to Nova Hreod to run an amazing National Challenge day. The IET have been setting the same challenge across schools and colleges around the country in search of an overall winner. Nova Hreod invited The Dorcan Academy, Isambard Community School and Highworth Warneford School to compete with six of our Year 8 students in the competition. We are not allowed to name the challenge completed - to prevent any future participants having an unfair advantage - however, the students had to research, design and make a prototype solution to a genuinely tough engineering problem.

All four teams worked amazingly hard throughout the day and should be really proud of their outcomes. Our six Year 8 boys did themselves proud with an innovative solution to the problem.

The Highworth Warneford team won the challenge, winning a school trophy and Amazon vouchers for the students.

All the students from each of the schools had a really good time and learnt about electronics, computer aided design and 3D printing along the way.

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