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GCSE results day

GCSE results day

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

On 24th August, the class of 2023 returned to school to collect their GCSE and vocational results. There were lots of happy faces and much excitement, with students celebrating with their friends and family. 

At Nova Hreod Academy – which, alongside Swindon Academy, is part of United Learning – today’s top performers include:

  • Yee Ting Li, who achieved eight grade 9s and three grade 8s;
  • Lily Adams, who achieved five grade 9s, three grade 8s and two grade 7s. Lily is set to join United College Sixth Form in September;
  • Grace Austen, who achieved four grade 9s and five grade 8s;
  • Ciaran Sangster, who achieved three grade 9s, four grade 8s and two grade 7s;
  • Adam Moore, who achieved two grade 9s, seven grade 8s and one grade 7.

Nick Wells, Principal at Nova Hreod Academy said:

Many congratulations to all students celebrating their GCSE results today, including our high performers at Nova. It is fantastic to see these results enabling our students to secure places at their Sixth Forms of choice, including United College Sixth Form, with some of our students set to take up their well-deserved spots on high achiever programmes.


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