Futures Evening
Despite the inclement weather conditions, it was pleasing to see so many students and families from years 9, 10 and 11 turn out to meet employers from a range of sectors, as well as discuss future destination pathways with local sixth forms, colleges and universities.
Students received some very useful advice about how to access different occupations as they work towards making extremely important decisions about their future options.
Mr Harding-Mbogo, Principal, gave a short talk about the opportunities that are available post-16 before everyone moved to the atrium where a wide spectrum of companies were in attendance, including representatives from Network Rail, BMW, Colas, ISN, Arval, TE Connectivity, the NHS and First City Nursing Services, the Navy, Police and RAF, in addition to local colleges like New College, UTC and Cirencester, apprenticeship providers, public services, universities, local sixth forms and many more.
Being able to discuss entry requirements and routes, prospects in a range of careers and so much more, this event offered them an insight to the world of work and education so that they can make well informed decisions as they move either from KS3 to KS4 (a time when they choose their options) or on taking their next steps as they move on from Nova.
During the evening, students took part in a competition which encompassed gaining valuable information from the employers present and were able to broaden their knowledge and understanding of the potential that higher education provides, different levels of apprenticeships, T Levels etc in order to raise their aspirations for the future. Congratulations to the winners from each year group: Henry (Year 9), RJ (Year 10), Hamilton (Year 11).
A big thank you to everyone who helped to make this event a success.