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Ethan Braves the Shave in front of whole school

Ethan Braves the Shave in front of whole school

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

Year 9 Ethan invited his mum into school this week to shave his head in front of an audience of 500 people, to fundraise for MacMillan Cancer Care by taking part in their “Brave the Shave” initiative.

Ethan was sponsored by friends and family and by the time the big day arrived, he had already raised over £300, exceeding his target. His mum contacted Headteacher Mr Wells to ask whether Ethan could Brave the Shave in school on the last day of term. Staff and students gathered in the school’s atrium at lunchtime and cheered as Sarah shaved Ethan’s hair, which he had been growing especially for the event. Ethan’s friend Xander also helped out, acting as MC and bravely taking charge of the clippers briefly to help Sarah relieve Ethan of his flowing locks.

Ethan’s mum Sarah said:

“As a family, we’ve always supported MacMillan and when a family friend lost his life to cancer last year, Ethan decided that he wanted to do something to help raise money. He decided that Brave the Shave would be a great way to help. It was a truly wonderful experience for both Ethan and myself to see such support. We are grateful to the children of Nova for their donations. I’m happy that Ethan was able to find something that he wanted to do and I am really proud of him.”

Nick Wells, Headteacher of Nova Hreod Academy, said:

“It was inspirational to see Ethan raising such an incredible amount of money for an important charity. Cancer affects so many people’s lives, including some of my own family members, so I was happy for Ethan to do this in school in front of his peers. The support shown by the school community demonstrates the respect that students at Nova have to the challenges faced by others.”

Ethan was overwhelmed by the support from the rest of the school, saying:

I’m happy that I’ve been able to raise so much money for such a really good cause and I’d encourage others to do it.”

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