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Enterprising students compete to raise money for charity

Accumulator Challenge for Business Students

Barbara Freeman / Categories: News

Over the past term, Year 10 Business Studies students have been taking part in the £50 Accumulator Challenge. The project, backed by the Papworth Trust and Mr Hugh’s Rapeseed Oil, challenges students to make as much profit as possible from an initial £50 investment. Students worked in teams to set up and run their own business with the aim to make as much profit as possible from the original £50 investment.

The students sold cakes, held a crossbar challenge and a raffle and sold rapeseed oil as part of the competition. The winning team was Winter Wishes, consisting of Jodie O'Toole, Supassara Hillier, Chloe Bateman, Chloe Cockshull and Amy Richings, who made a profit of £128.24. Overall, the Nova Hreod Business Studies students raised a total of £442.75 for the Papworth Trust charity. The funds will be used to support disabled and older people and their families in the community.

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