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Debating Competition

Debating Competition

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

This term students have been testing their debating skills. The topic of whether the internet should allow free speech was one of the subjects that were strongly contested in tutor groups and teams were chosen to go forward to the final.


The final debate was entitled “Meat farming should be made illegal, and (at least) vegetarianism made mandatory”. The final was battled out between Pegasus and Orion House who both put up very strong arguments for their point of view. Points were awarded for their opening statements, taking into consideration whether their points had been well thought out, well explained and supported by stats or anecdotes. Teams were also scored on teamwork, whether they were able to respond in a reasonable timeframe with a convincing, related argument, and whether their counter argument would force the other group to adjust their point of view. The students made some very convincing arguments and impressed the judges with their ability to address the crown, project their voices and work together to present their argument.


All four houses excelled in their debates and it was a tough decision between Pegasus and Orion whose specific knowledge and teamwork was exceptionally strong. The judges declared Pegasus House to be the winners of this term’s competition.

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