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Coding & Ciphers at Bletchley Park

Coding & Ciphers at Bletchley Park

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

A group of students had a fascinating day at Bletchley Park, where they learnt about how enemy communications were deciphered during WWII. They heard about the history of the building and some of the important discoveries that were uncovered during the war, and personal stories of some of the individuals that worked at the "home of the codebreakers." They found out about the secret methods used to recruit the 7,000 staff at the base, including the 2,000 girls aged between 17-21 who were selected after they successfully decoded a secret message in the newspaper. 

After a tour of the mansion, the students attended a Codes and Ciphers workshop which explained all about the mathematics of ciphers and encryption techniques, before putting their knowledge into action by decrypting messages, using a real, working Enigma machine.

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