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Christ Church Charity Dog Fun Run

Christ Church Charity Dog Fun Run

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

Back in February, we reported on a competition that our Year 10 students had to develop a new fundraising project on behalf of Christ Church, Old Town.

Nova scholars win fundraising project (

Phoebe, Marley and Ryan came up with the idea of a charity dog run.  Last month they had a meeting with Gel Studios to come up with the promotional campaign for this, a fascinating meeting where the students could start to see their idea come to life.

As a result of their hard work and input, working alongside Christ Church and Gel Studios, we are proud to announce that the event will take place on Saturday 15th June, 10.30-3pm at Christ Church in Old Town.

We are very proud of the final outcome for the adverts.  Look out for this event on social media, and please put the date in your diary and come along to support this event.

Tickets are available here -

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