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Chefs in the making

Chefs in the making

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

It was a fairly relaxed, if not slightly apprehensive trip to Bristol for the county final of the Springboard FutureChef 2020 competition with year 11s Antwan and Abby.  We arrived in good time to avoid any last-minute nerves. The contestants were all shown to their kitchen units and given a briefing on rules, timings, expectations etc. After approximately one hour the main course was to be served, followed by the dessert within the 90 minutes time frame. 

Both our finalists presented on time and to a very high standard.  They had the added difficulty of catering for two covers, so it was everything in duplicate.  It was neck and neck at this stage with the Nova Hreod entries just having the edge over the other contestants.  With desserts out, it looked like Antwan was a clear leader. Our armchair judging was soon reinforced by the judges and he was declared the winner with Abby missing out by a whisker. The judges commented that it was down to the dessert in the end to identify the eventual winner. 

Springboard’s FutureChef is the best industry backed resource matched to the food related curriculum. It has many benefits to students including the development of life skills and building confidence, promoting healthy eating and nutrition.

Antwan’s winning menu was:

 Fillet of Cod on Crushed Potatoes and Wilted Spinach with a Chive Butter Sauce & Bacon Crumb

Apple Tarte Tatin with Raspberries & Crème Fraiche

By winning this final, Antwan now has access to a mentor chef and moves on to the South West of England final in early February where, if he is successful again, will have further potential opportunities for a future apprenticeship within the trade.

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