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Challenging Swindon's primary mathematicians

Challenging Swindon's primary mathematicians

Year 5 students enjoy maths competition at Nova Hreod

Barbara Freeman / Categories: News

On 6th February we hosted our first Year 5 maths competition for gifted mathematicians from our local primary schools.  Nova Hreod students from Years 7, 8 and 9 worked with the teams of younger students and played a key role in marking and scoring the rounds. Working in teams of four, the Year 5 students battled it out over challenging rounds including a cross number, logic problem, dingbats and a relay, with three of those rounds being taken from the UKMT Primary Team Challenge resources. 


Competition was tight and the students needed to work as a team and put their mathematical skills to the test right to the very end of the competition.  The achievement of the Year 5 students was fantastic as these were very challenging problems but the students presented some very admirable scores. 


The winning team who lifted the trophy at the end of the event were from Catherine Wayte School with Ferndale Primary coming runners-up and third place awarded to the Bridlewood Primary team.

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