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Celebrating High Standards and High Achievements: End of year awards assembly

Celebrating High Standards and High Achievements: End of year awards assembly

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

On the last day of term, the whole school gathered to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our students at the highly anticipated Rewards Ceremony. 

At the start of the assembly, current School Captains Noah and Rhys presented the new prefects with their prefect ties, and the names of next year's School Captains were revealed - CONGRATULATIONS TO LAYTH AND DAMI. The ceremony went on to recognise scholars for their hard work, dedication, and exceptional performance across different categories, with awards given for academic excellence, DISC points, Star Slips and attendance.

One of the highlights of the ceremony was the presentation of the Student of the Year awards for Years 7-10. These prestigious awards were particularly special as the winners were nominated by their tutors and voted for by their teachers, reflecting the high regard in which they are held by both peers and staff.

The event was a fitting end to the term, leaving everyone motivated and excited for the future.


The highly anticipated prize draw for Sparx Maths saw everyone who had 100% on time and XP on target entered into the pot.

Bracken and Heidi won £20 each

The winner of the £200 top prize was AMELIA!!


Y7 Julia

Y8 Esme

Y9 Harry

Y10 Eleanor


100% ATTENDANCE (prize draw)

57 students were entered into the 100% attendance prize draw:

Y7 Eloise

Y8 Victor

Y9 Jake

Y10 Szantal


MOST STAR SLIPS (prize draw)

13,381 star slips have been awarded since September 2023. The top students were entered into the prize draw:

Y7 Lacey

Y8 Harvey

Y9 Miley

Y10 Leah



Y7 Lena

Y8 Peri

Y9 Areej

Y10 Heidi




Y7 Indranil

Y8 Hevi

Y9 Judith

Y10 Michael


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