Parents Students


Black Box Teaching

Nova Hreod Academy 0 4029

In Matthew Syed’s excellent book “Black Box Thinking,” the author explores why some professions, like airline pilots, react and respond so well to mistakes and how having a positive attitude to this has led to huge increases in passenger safety, whereas other professions are much slower and less inclined to respond to the mistakes made and therefore improvement is extremely slow. I would definitely put teaching in the second category but what are the reasons for this and what can we do about it?

By Graham Dakin


Nova Hreod Academy 0 4826

Thanks to the recent books, blog posts and Twitter feeds, the mystery behind how to retain knowledge best and most effectively has been simplified to a few very simple techniques. However there is still a lot of work to be done in ensuring that these techniques are taught to all teachers and most importantly to all students.

By Graham Dakin

Curriculum Design

Nova Hreod Academy 0 4820

The usual approach to planning a year, or a two year GCSE course, of teaching is to look at the topics and teach them one after the other. For example, in science we’ve always simply taught biology 1, then chemistry 1, then physics 1, one after the other, then revise the lot at the end for the exams.

By Phil Wilson

How hard should my work be?

Nova Hreod Academy 0 4003

I don’t know about you, but I’ve often wondered why computer games are so compelling, so addictive to so many of our young people. To pin it down: they are just the right difficulty.

By Phil Wilson

Deliberate Practice

Nova Hreod Academy 0 3925

Every day, I practice driving. To and from work equals almost an hour. Sometimes I even put in massive bouts of practice and drive a solid four hours. So why aren’t I a world rally driving champion?

By Phil Wilson

Teacher Subject Knowledge

Nova Hreod Academy 0 3941

It is probably fair to say that the idea that a good teacher can pick up almost any material and deliver it successfully to a class is heading out of fashion, but it does linger in the idea that teaching methods are more important than the teacher’s knowledge and understanding of the content.

By Phil Wilson


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