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Catalyst Stream Taster Day - Engineering

Catalyst Stream Taster Day - Engineering

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

On Saturday 25th January, a group of enthusiastic Year 6 pupils from local primary schools attended the Engineering Catalyst Stream taster session.

Pupils first started their morning exploring space engineering and design, thinking about transporting resources across the solar system to Mars with Ms Wincer! Pupils demonstrated excellent design skills and considerations to design and make a suitable landing craft to land their precious cargo and astronauts after a fall from a first floor balcony!

After a break and some refreshments, pupils jumped back into their next engineering session with Miss Vandervalk, where students were challenged with designing a bridge to meet engineering and budget constraints. In a short, but enthusiastic time, pupils developed their ideas and designs, building some amazing structures that could withstand some impressive forces.

Well done to all attendees and we look forward to hosting our next open morning in March!


Dr Spreadbury

Catalyst STEM Stream Coordinator


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