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Calling on the past to help shape the future

Nova signs up with charity to support students

Barbara Freeman / Categories: News

Calling all ex-students

We believe that your connection with your school shouldn't have to end when you leave us. As you may know, we are working with the charity Future First to reconnect us with our former students and help us keep in touch with our leaving students from their last day, and we'd love to get you involved.

Our photograph shows former students Luke and Tracy Waldron. Luke left Nova five years ago and has kindly been back to the school to demonstrate to our students that working hard at school and grabbing opportunities for life experiences can lead to success. Luke is currently studying for his Masters in Motorsport Engineering at Brunel University, having just finished a year in industry work placement at GE Aeronautics. His mum Tracy attended Hreod Parkway School and has worked here for over 8 years.

If you are a former student of Nova Hreod (or previously Hreod Burna, Parkway or Moredon Secondary), please sign up to Future First to bring your story up to date and help us build student confidence and motivation by speaking about your career, mentoring a student, or even offering work experience. It's really easy to register on our alumni network, just click the link below to become a part of the Nova community and help support our school. In return we can offer promotional opportunities and maybe even introduce you to future employees!

The link to the site is:

It’s all about formalising our connections, so we can start to communicate and involve our alumni.

If you’re interested in learning more about how the Future First programme can help you, please get in touch with the Alumni Officer Josh Armstrong on or 020 7239 8933.




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