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Book Quiz Final

Book Quiz Final

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News


The finale of the SYFL was the annual book quiz which was hosted by Swindon Academy, and was compered by author Joffre White.  All 11 secondary schools competed against each other, with each school being represented by two students in years 7, 8, and 9. Our fantastic Nova team achieved an amazing 3rd place in this year’s competition. Congratulations to Charlie (Orion 4), Ava (Pegasus 2), Finlay (Aquila 2), Henry (Aquila 7), Isabel (Pegasus 2) and Adam (Pegasus 7).

“I really enjoyed it because it was fun, as we got to talk about our favourite authors’ books and characters which take us to another world. It made me a lot more mindful of English literature and I would do it again.”

“We all worked well as a team and we got to talk about what we love.”

I enjoyed the book quiz because it helped me make friends with younger students.


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