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Back to school for town twinners

Salzgitter visitors celebrate 40th anniversary

Barbara Freeman / Categories: News

Year 8 languages students welcomed visitors from the German town of Salzgitter this week to mark the 40 year anniversary of the Swindon-Salzgitter Twinning Association.

Students from Nova Hreod and Ferndale Community Primary School have been working together to learn about Salzgitter and organised a variety of cultural and language based activities, including a presentation in German focusing on comparisons between the two towns.

German is studied by a wide variety of students at Nova at both Key Stage 3 and 4. Events like this make learning a language more relevant and inspires and motivates the pupils into taking a language at GCSE.

Swindon’s twinned town is situated between the Harz Mountains to the south and Hannover to the north in Lower Saxony, Germany. The two towns have been twinned since 1975 with the aim of furthering and expanding the knowledge of culture, education, industrial and political interests between the twinned towns of Swindon and Salzgitter.  More information is available at

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