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Arval CV Workshop

Arval CV Workshop

Nova Hreod Academy / Categories: News

To follow on form their mock interviews, Chris Watts, HR Recruitment Business Manager for Arval Uk, spent the morning at Nova Hreod Academy delivering CV writing workshops to the whole of year 10.  Students were introduced to CV’s and given a blank template as a best practice example.  During the 30 minute sessions, Chris gave students coaching on key words, personal statements and covering letters.  A copy of Chris’s presentation can be found on the ‘Post 16’ choices page of the Nova website.

Feedback from Students

Excellent explanation, really helpful and educational.

It has made me realise that this part of our future is coming up really quickly, and we need to prepare for it.  It showed us how to compose a CV and offered great tips.

I now understand what a CV is and what it should look like.

It was really useful finding out about the format to write a CV and what it should include.

I found this session really useful as I didn’t know how to write a CV and what length it should be and what standard it should be.  Also Chris answered our questions very well.

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