The Library is located on the first floor C Wing and is open to students Monday – Thursday break times and lunchtimes.
All students are invited to use the Library after school until 3.30pm on Monday and 4.00pm Tuesday to Thursday.
Access is occasionally restricted to support specific activities.
Borrowing and returning Library resources
As soon as you are enrolled in the school you will be able to borrow Library resources for reading and homework support.
Each year group has a suggested guide to the number of titles to be borrowed at any one time, but this is a guide not a fixed limit. Keen readers are never disappointed with the vast collection of books on offer to borrow. Titles are on loan to you which means they need to be returned for other students to enjoy.
When you borrow a title, the date it is due to be returned will be put on the date label to help remind you. If at any time your resources get damaged or are lost, you will be asked to pay for a replacement title.
Students are welcome to come into the Library and carry out research at open access sessions, where Mrs Shurley will be on hand to offer some help if wanted.
But if you are suffering from information overload and want to chill out, the Library is the cool quiet place to be! (Aircon included).
If you are in years 8-11, you can train to be a Student Librarian. Collect an application form in the Library.
Mrs Shurley and Student Librarians will be available to support students during all open access sessions. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Read, read and read some more in a comfortable atmosphere... 20 minutes personal reading every day has a direct linked positive impact on your achievable GCSE exam grades. You will improve your concentration stamina, vocabulary and problem solving skills all through reading.
“Reading is like jogging for the brain… so kids get your feet up and get reading” Spike Milligan.