Parents Students


Aquila House

Cygnus House

Orion House

Pegasus House

Nova House and Tutor System

Our four houses are at the heart of what we do and every pupil at Nova is part of the house system. On entry into Year 7, each pupil is placed into one of our four mixed year group houses and into a tutor group with students of the same year. They become part of the house family and the tie that they wear shows which house they belong to. 

Each morning, pupils join their tutor group for registration and then for a 25-minute tutor session or an assembly. Each tutor group has approximately 28 pupils which is a mix of students from each of the four houses to help develop a sense of healthy competition within the year groups.  

Support and guidance for students

Tutor groups are led by an experienced team of tutors, Head of Year and link SLT members who work with parents and carers. They monitor progress, provide personal support, encourage high achievement and challenge underachievement. There is also a Year Manager for each year group who work with parents and carers when there are concerns about behaviour or attendance.          

Our Houses

The house system is an important aspect of our pastoral care. We have chosen the names of our houses to link with the name of our school – Nova Hreod. A ‘Nova’ is an explosion of a star in space so bright that it can outshine an entire galaxy. Our four houses are named after constellations and were chosen by our pupils in May 2018. 

We firmly believe that the sense of identity and belonging created through the house and tutor system allows all students and staff to play their part in making us an exceptional school.

The Respect Curriculum

Each week the students take part in a tutor session where respect is the underlying focus. This gives students the opportunity to think about how to have self-respect, respect for other and respect for the local community. Following this session, tutors facilitate a check-in check-back session in which students have the opportunity to talk to each other and check on each other’s well-being and aim and goals for each week.  

Target setting and mentoring

The data and target setting work completed allows students to see and reflect on their previous week, including their DISC points, attendance and how well they have achieved their targets before setting targets for the coming week. Tutors support their tutor group with this work, encourage students to set highly effective targets to help them improve. 

The World Around Us

The World Around Us programme contains a weekly discussion session based around the news and current affairs and the chance for students to share their opinions with their tutor group and even with the rest of the school via our big screens. 


At Nova we have two different types of assembly. The first is a themed assembly delivered by Senior Leaders which aligns with the World Around Us programme followed in tutor time, providing students with an opportunity to think and reflect about the wider world and gain an awareness of British Fundamental values. These assemblies also reinforce the schools DISC values of Drive, Integrity, Scholarship and Community. 

The second is a year group assembly where their Head of Year reinforces the year vision, celebrates achievements of the students of the year and prepares them for upcoming competitions within the House championship. 

Once a half term there will also be a house assembly led by the Head of House, championing the house competitions and recognising the achievements of all students in the house.  

House Championship and Competitions

The use of rewards and competition underpins the Nova Hreod Academy House system. It is our firm belief that through competition and reward at every level our students will strive to succeed and will reach their full potential.  

The House championship is run throughout the academic year and is an opportunity for the four houses to compete against one another for House Championship points. The House with the highest number of points at the end of the academic year wins the championship and receives its name on the House Championship trophy. 

Over the academic year we hold four key competitions in which the houses compete against one another for the right to be the best House in that competition and to earn 1000 House Championship points.  

  1. Times Table Challenge 

  1. University Challenge 

  1. Countdown 

  1. Sports Day  

House championship points can also be earned in our weekly Friday competitions, where the winning house receives 250 points, and in the Nova Hreod Attendance League Table, where the tutor group with the highest attendance each week earns a prize.  

House Championship points can also be earned as DISC points. DISC points are given to our students for their achievements in their daily school life. For example, working hard in lessons, completing their homework, attending school 100% of the time, participating in our Super Nova enrichment programme, representing the school, being involved in House competitions, student leadership and doing well in their assessments can all earn DISC points. 


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