At Nova Hreod Academy the Careers Department uses Labour Market Information to help students plan their career path.
What is Labour Market Information (LMI)?
Labour market information is information relating to the world of work, employment trends, job roles and job availability. It includes a wide variety of data and analysis relating to employment and the workforce.
How can Labour Market Information (LMI) be used?
You can use this information to find out about different job roles and the sectors that these roles are in. It will allow you to identify the skills and qualification that are required for particular job roles, so you can plan your career path.
Why is it important?
From LMI you will develop an awareness of the local and national job growth sectors, allowing you to make informed decisions about your future aspirations. You can then plan realistic goals relating to your choice of career.
Where can you find Labour Market Information? - LMI for All
Information sources | National Careers Service National Careers Service
Careerpilot : Plan your future work & study Career Pilot
Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership provide information on the local area and local and national news shows and newspapers highlight developments and job opportunities
Labour Market Information | Jobs Market Information ( gives information and other helpful websites.
The local area is always looking for Health and Social Care, High Performance Technology, Logistics and Supply Chain, Education and Hospitality people.
Please click on this <<link>> to the Economic Profiles for Swindon, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire delivered at the Swindon and Wiltshire Careers Hub Conference on 15th June 2023. It shows an economic overview and jobs and skills demand for the area.