Parents Students

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is an allocation of money that is given to schools to specifically assist children who fall into at least one of the following groups: 

  • They are currently eligible for free school meals (FSM) 
  • They have been eligible within the last six years for FSM 
  • They have been identified as a Looked after Child (LAC)

This money is specifically designed to help us to raise the achievement level of the students in these groups who have previously been identified as being disadvantaged through economic hardship. We also receive a premium for students whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces. This money is specified to help with the emotional and social wellbeing of these pupils.


How the funding is used

Use the link below to see how the Pupil Premium funding is used at Nova Hreod Academy.

Pupil Premium Strategy and Report 2024-2025


Think you may be eligible for free school meals? 

 You need to register once with Swindon Borough Council.   

 Visit Swindon Borough Council’s Free School Meals Web Page, where you can also check the eligibility criteria: 

Free school meals | Swindon Borough Council

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